Do you have relatives in Canada and planning to visit your siblings or your relatives there?
Here are the requirements for the visa application for you to obtain a visitor visa.
Financial Docs
Bank Certificate ( Your OWN BANK account)
Business Permit DTI (If you own a Business or Family Business)
Mayors Permit of Busines
BIR Income tax (2316 if empployee or 1700 if business)
your bank statements for the past four months (If no BULK Deposit)
pay stubs/slips of You and your sponsor for the last 3 months
an employment letter (Present and Previous Employment)
proof of assets (Land Titles or Vehicle Registrations)
PR CARD or Driver's License of the person inviting you Canada - or Citizen passport or Canada Driver's license or Provincial ID (Any of these - need one ID only)
T4 or Tax Notice of Assessment of the person inviting you in Canada (Latest)
Certificate of Employment (If Sponsor is coming from Canada)
Bank Certificate of Sponsor (Only if they have - Not so Much Required)
Proof of Relationship to Sponsor - Birth Certificate or Marriage Certificates of Sponsor and you to prove relationships
Proof of Ties in the Home Country and other Additional Documents
SSS Employment History (Can be accessed online via
SSS Conrtibutions (Can be accessed online via
Land Title (Either of student, parents, husband, siblings ) or Resibo ng Real Estate Tax
Car registration (Either of student, parents, husband, siblings)
Pag Ibig Contribution Statements
Passport Stamps or Visas and Stamps
Application forms
Application Fees
*Other requirements will need to be submitted upon assessment of the provided documents.
*Note that parents Visitor Visa has lesser documentation requirements than SIBLINGS or RELATIVES- So do not compare the requirements of parents to your requirements